Themes of International Men's Day

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As well as the six Core Objectives, a secondary theme for IMD is usually suggested by world coordinators such as peace in 2002, men's health in 2003, healing and forgiveness in 2007, positive male role models in 2009 and 'our children's future' in 2010. It is not compulsory to adopt these secondary themes and participants are welcome to establish individual themes to suit local needs and concerns.

2011 "Giving Boys The Best Possible Start In Life"

In 2011 the theme for International Men's Day is 'boys' with the title, "Giving Boys The Best Possible Start In Life". This theme asks people around the world to focus on five key challenges that boys all over the world experience in areas of health, education, family life, violence and life choices and to consider local solutions to the global problems that boys face.

2012 "Helping Men and Boys Live longer, Happier and Healthier Lives"

The theme for 2012 is 'health' with the title "Helping Men and Boys Live longer, Happier and Healthier Lives". The target areas nominated by IMD Founder Jerome Teelucksingh are; 1. Improving male life expectancy; 2. Helping men get help; 3. Improving boys' education; 4. Tackling tolerance of violence against men and boys; and 5. Promoting fathers and positive male role models. The 2012 theme highlights World Health Organization figures showing that every year over half a million people die from violence and 83% of them are men and boys, and that a similar proportion of the global burden of disease (ill-health, disability or early death) from violence is borne by boys and men[1]

2013 "Keeping Men and Boys safe"

The theme for 2013 as nominated by the IMD Coordination Committee is, "Keeping Men and Boys safe". The nominated target areas are, 1.Keeping men and boys Safe by tackling male suicide; 2. Keeping boys safe so they can become tomorrow's role models; 3. Tackling our tolerance of violence against men and boys; 4. Boosting men's life expectancy by keeping men and boys safe from avoidable illness and death; 5. and Keeping men and boys safe by promoting fathers and male role models. The 2013 Press Release asks, "People all over the world are used to relating to men as protectors and providers, but how often do we consider the actions we can all take to protect Men and Boys from harm and provide them with a safe world where they can thrive and prosper?"[2]

2014 "Working Together For Men and Boys"

2014 International Men's Day theme was "Working Together For Men and Boys" and was designed to encourage greater cooperation in addressing a range of issues that affect Men and Boys such as men's shorter life expectancy, the high male suicide rate, our collective tolerance of violence against men, and the struggles that boys can face in getting an education and the unique challenges of father-child relationships.[3]

2015 "Working To Expand Reproductive Options for Men"

The International Men's Day theme for 2015 — "Working To Expand Reproductive Options for Men" — is designed to encourage cooperation in addressing reproductive issues that affect men and boys around the world, such as family planning, men's limited reproductive choices, sexual health, and safe sexual practices. The question is asked of how we might improve men's freedom to choose parenthood through cultural, legal, technological and educational avenues.[4]

2016 "Stop Male Suicide"

2016's theme for International Men's Day was "Stop Male Suicide". In every country except China, the rate of suicide in men is higher than that of women, in some cases as high as six men for every one woman, and life expectancy is routinely less for men than women in all countries. To this end, "Global Action on Men’s Health (GAMH) wants the World Health Organization and other international public health bodies, as well as individual governments, to acknowledge the scale of the problems facing men and boys and to take sustained action to tackle them. This work should sit alongside continuing action to improve the health of women and girls."[5] Glen Poole, an IMD coordinator wrote a book entitled "How You Can Stop Male Suicide in 7 Simple Steps," summarized with the motto "Learn, love, listen."[6]

2017 "Celebrating Men And Boys In All Their Diversity"

In March 2017 the theme of "Celebrating Men And Boys In All Their Diversity" was announced by the Global and Regional Coordinators.[7] The emphasis on "..A Call To Action" for individuals, institutions, and organizations to innovate the manner in which they design and deliver resources and support services which speak to the unique needs and issues of men and boys."

2018 "Positive Male Role Models"

The theme of 2018's International Men's Day was "Positive Male Role Models," and focused on giving men and boys good positive role models to look up to.[8]

See Also

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