The State of the Commonwealth

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Late August

Media reports on 31 August 2017 that high school girls had recently staged a walkout after Ford refused to take questions from boys following a presentation at their school.[1]

Following the incident Ford was quoted as saying:

“I was not paid to deal with ongoing bulls**t and demands from small minded boys who cannot handle being shown their world view is limited”.[2]

It is notable that the walk out was conducted by the girls rather than the boys.





15 March

Feminist March 4 Justice in Australia. Brittany Higgins was a key speaker.[3]

24 March

Male students at Brauer College in Australia forced to stand and apologise to women for sexism.[4]

21 April

During a presentation on privilege, pronouns, and intersectionality year 11 students at Parkdale Secondary College in Australia who were white, male and Christian were asked to stand. They were then told they were privileged and oppressors.[5]

10 May

Female teacher at Como Secondary College, Western Australia, stormed into the boy's locker room and called them Testosterone-fueled misogynists for being too loud despite the fact that they were celebrating a victory and not discussing women at all.[6]

13 May

The Crime and Corruption Commission, Queensland, Australia, released a report indicating that 200 men were not appointed as Queensland Police recruits as a result of these places going to less qualified women, including six women who failed to meet the standards for admission to the recruit programme.[7]
