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Consent can be withdrawn at any time. The woman can even admit she consented at the beginning and then say she withdrew consent later. The initial consent is worth nothing.

In Australia a man was convicted of rape for continuing sex for 30 seconds after consent was withdrawn by the woman. He was sentence to 4 years.

In the US a boy (too young to consent to sex) was convicted of rape when the adult woman withdrew consent and he continued for 5-10 seconds. The adult woman was never charged with statutory rape.

Now imagine how this works in an affirmative or enthusiastic consent jurisdiction. The woman can withdraw consent at any time and need not even tell the man about it. Any man who has sex with a woman in a jurisdiction like that is putting a gun to his own head.

All of these consent laws could apply the other way around of course but in most cases no regard is given to whether men consented or not.