Male variability

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Revision as of 02:51, 22 September 2024 by Robert Brockway (talk | contribs)
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Often claimed to have been discredited.

Absolutely proven in certain areas: height weight, hand size.

Compelling evidence for personality.

Very strong evidence for IQ, and this is true regardless of what IQ means.

Opponents are free claim it isn't true in a particular area, and in some cases this is likely true. Robert Brockway mentioned the possibility of counter-examples in this original article.

Male variability doesn't claim to be universally true just generally true.

Robert Brockway postulates that counter-examples exist and that, in particular, female sexual response is a counter-example. Women, on average, take longer to achieve orgasm than men, but more importantly there facility to orgasm varies significantly more. A man with a widely variant sexual response may ejaculate less frequently. This would be a negative selective pressure which would favour men with a more conventional sexual response. Thus natural selection keeps the male sexual response within narrow bounds, overcoming male variability. In contrast female sexual response is able to vary widely.

See Also