Systemic racism

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Systemic racism (also called structural or institutional racism) is defined at Fitchburd State University as "racism that exists across a society within, and between institutions/organizations across society"[1] and on the British University of Columbia's "Vice-President Finance and Operations Portfolio (VPFO)" as "the ways that whiteness and white superiority become embedded in the policies and processes of an institution, resulting in a system that advantages white people and disadvantages BIPOC/IBPOC, notably in employment, education, justice, and social participation."[2]

Chamberlin Rock and vaccine passports

On August 6, 2021 the University of Wisconsin moved a 42-ton rock from its original location at the Madison campus because in the n-word was used in its nickname in a Wisconsin State Journal story in 1925. Students called the rock "a symbol of racism." According to director of campus Gary Brown, "[m]oving the rock to this remote site prevents further harm to our community while preserving the rock's educational and research value for current and future scholars." Moving the rock will cost 50,000 dollars of private donations.[3][4]

In a podcast in late August 2021, New Discourses started by reporting about the rock and then argued that vaccine passports are also systemically racist according to an intersectional feminist definition of systemic racism. Due to things like lower vaccination rates among people of color, requiring a vaccine passport in everyday life activities will disproportionately affect those minorities. He told that he had shared memes pointing this kind of things out and he was banned for 12 hours for spreading "COVID misinformation" even though the memes, according to him, did not contain COVID information, instead they said that the vaccine passports were systemically racist. According to the podcast, other people had also shared the same memes and gotten banned and had Twitter later admitted to having made a mistake. Author Ibram X. Kendi has written that "A racist policy is any measure that produces or sustains racial inequity between racial groups."[5] If a policy to have a vaccine passport disproportionally hinders racial minorities' abilities to participate in daily activities, then according to that definition, vaccine passports are racist. New Discourses also says that Jen Psaki, Joe Biden's press secretary, should be asked if vaccine passports are systemically racist, if they will produce racially inequitable outcomes.

If everything is systemically racist, like the Chamberlin rock, then why does racial equity stop mattering in the case of vaccine passports? Maybe the people pushing Critical Race Theory and other stuff like that do not care about minorities after all, they are just using them to push their other political goals, and people not noticing the systemically racist nature of vaccine passports is necessary in order to succeed? Or as New Discourses put it, starting from 33:29:

Why is it that a rock on the University of Wisconsin-Madison is so contributing to systemic racism that 50,000 dollars have to be spent to move the rock and hide it from campus so that it can be more inclusive, but vaccine passports, which actually directly and obviously create disparate impacts by race (according to their own definition are vigorously systemically institutionally racist), that you can't even talk or joke about? That's a huge issue, people should be asking all the time.

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