Third wave feminism
Modern feminism is genernally known as third wave feminism although some feminists are now talking about post-third wave or fourth wave feminism. Modern feminists generally believe in rape culture, overwhelming levels of street harassment and the patriarchy.
There are many people in the wider community who profess to support gender equality and openly call themselves feminists. It is reasonable to conclude that the majority of people who make this claim are honest in their belief. The evidence is that most feminists who identify feminism with gender equality are not part of organised feminism. They profess feminism but are typically not involved in any feminist organisations, do not attend feminist meetings, do not read feminist books any more (if they ever did) and rarely even read feminist web sites. In a sense they are islands of feminism disconnected from the mainstream of the movement.
Many of those people seem oblivious to radical feminism and how entrenched it is in modern academia. It is organised feminism, feminism in academia, that young women in gender studies and women's studies courses listen to and it is feminism in academia that has the ear of the modern political establishment.
Feminism is not a static philosophy and people who identify as feminists ought to remain abreast of modern feminist ideology. Institutional feminists are increasingly rejecting the notion that men can be feminists, instead referring to them as feminist allies.
Radical feminism may not be the only form of feminism but the alternatives today are largely inactive, and therefore largely irrelevant.
Feminists all too often insistent that to reject feminism is to reject gender equality. This would only be true if feminism were the only manner in which gender equality could be addressed. Even if we accept that feminists believe in gender equality, it does not follow that feminism has a monopoly on gender equality. Feminism is an ideology. As such alternative view points (those of other ideologies, or a lack of ideology) must be possible. Being an ideology feminism cannot be the sole manner in which gender equality can be viewed.
Increasingly organised groups of feminists are resorting to violence to push their agenda. Particularly egregious examples have occured in South America[1], and various locations in Canada including Toronto[2], Kingston and Ottawa. In engaging in this disruptive and at times threatening behaviour feminists are attempting to silence opposition rather than endeavouring to respond with cogent arguments.
Embracing menstruation
Feminists spend a lot of time talking about their vaginas and menstruation.
Key Traits
- Always seeks to maximise women's choices.
- Always seeks to minimise women's responsibilities.
- Feminists will object if they think woman have made the wrong choices.
- Always seeks to control the narrative.
- Adds subjective value judgements to a topic and then claims female superiority.
- Rejects any inate differences between men and women beyond morphological differences.
- Is inherently internally inconsistent.
- Feminism is run by radical feminists.
- Equity feminists are inactive feminists.
- Feminists will not accept or acknowledge that women can ever benefit from interacting with men.
External Links
Feminist Sites
The best way to argue against feminism is to quote feminists themselves. Below is a selection of mainstream feminist sites for reference.
Other Sites
- Feminism the Institution
- A Guide for Male Feminists
- The ten most common feminist myths
- Science vs Feminism
- Psychology Today