Jessica Lucy Treuhaft

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Jessica Mitford, 1937.

Jessica Lucy Treuhaft (née Freeman-Mitford, later Romilly; 11 September 1917 – 23 July 1996) was an English author, one of the six aristocratic Mitford sisters noted for their sharply conflicting politics.

Jessica married her second cousin Esmond Romilly, who was killed in World War II, and then American civil rights lawyer Robert Treuhaft, with whom she joined the Communist Party USA and worked closely in the Civil Rights Congress. Both refused to testify in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee. They resigned from the party in 1958.

Her 1960 memoir Hons and Rebels and her 1963 book of social commentary The American Way of Death both became classics.

Unity Mitford, Diana Mosley and Jessica Treuhaft were sisters. Unity and Diana was fascists while Jessica was a communist.

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