Men are Obsolete (Munk debate)

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This highly offensive notion was the title and subject of a Munk Debate in 2013.[1]

While the question was about men the organisers saw fit not to include any men in the debate. Apparently they ascribe to the notion that only women are entitled to discuss gender issues.

The affirmative team was comprised of Hanna Rosin and Maureen Dowd with the negative team being comprised of Caitlin Moran and Camille Paglia. Monk debates poll the audience. If more than 50% vote in favour of the motion (for the pro side) then the motion is carried. In this case, the motion was carried and Monk declared that men are obsolete.[2] Some commentators suggested that a number of men in the audience voted affirmatively to keep their female partners happy.

The above Munk debate was followed by an article of the same name in TIME by Rosin.[3]

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