Greg Laden

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The beginning of Greg Laden's article proclaiming men as testosterone damaged women.[1][2][3][4]

Gregory Thomas Laden is an American biological anthropologist and science blogger. Laden has called men testosterone damaged women.[5][6][7][8]


Born in 1958, Laden received his B.A. from the University of the State of New York's Regents College program in 1984, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1987 and 1992, respectively, where he was advised by Irven DeVore.[9][10][11]


Laden has taught at multiple institutions including Harvard, the University of Minnesota, and Century College.[12] In 1999, when he was on the faculty of the University of Minnesota, he co-authored a study in Current Anthropology that found that the practice of humans cooking food evolved because it allowed them to cook vegetables.[13] He published a blog, "Greg Laden's Blog", on ScienceBlogs,[14] and evolution.[15]


"The problem with men, as a group, as a type of organism, as a subset of humans, is that at various points along the way on their journey from the female template on which all humans are built biologically, they have been altered in ways that make them dangerous assholes. Even when we try to reduce the male-female difference as a society, men who do not willingly participate in that often end up being fairly nasty, dangerous beasts; they may be rapists, they may be batterers, they may be some other thing. They break our efforts to have an egalitarian peaceful world. In a way, they are broken. They are damaged, if you will. Some of that damage is facilitated by what you may know of as testosterone (a word that stands in for androgens)." [16][17][18][19]


Laden's position on men and male brains has been widely rejected even amongst those who explicitly reject men's rights.[20][21]

See Also

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