Domestic violence

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Domestic violence (DV) is a term used to describe a variety of behaviours exhibited between people who are related to one another or who live in the same home. The definition of DV has steadily broadened since the 1960s. Whereas DV was originally seen as physical violence it now encompasses many behaviours including, most recently in many countries, coercive control. The term is often erroneously used to mean intimate partner violence. Western governments, the mainstream media, feminists and other interest groups perpetrate the erroneous belief that DV is largely something men do to women.

Teaching that men should not hit women but that no such prohibition exists for women hitting men violates the social principal of reciprocity and threatens the social fabric. The solution to this is to teach that all violence is unacceptable.

One in five intimate partner homicides in Australia is a woman murdering her male partner.[1]

Men Under Report

Women Initiate More IPV

Women's violence against children

External Links

From Duane

Over 200 studies from universities and organizations like the following have PROVEN Domestic Violence is gender equal and NOT gender specific.

HARVARD UNIVERSITY - The Harvard Health study found that when violence was one-sided, meaning unprovoked, both men and the women themselves who took the study said 70% OF THE TIME IT WAS THE WOMEN WHO COMMITTED VIOLENCE AGAINST THE MEN.

Duluth Model

DV in Lesbian Relationships

Denying sex is IPV when men do it

Introductory Articles

Sources used to claim that M->F is the majority of DV/IPV

This report from the AIHW is used to claim that women are the majority of victims. In reality all it says is that women are over-represented among those more seriously injured, which is widely recognised in the literature. This report entirely fails to mention reciprocal IPV.


External Links

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