4B movement

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Women apparently endorsing the 4B movement.
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Google Trends for "4B movement" captures on 16 February 2025.

The 4B movement or often just 4B is a radical feminist movement in South Korea that started in 2019. The name comes from a Korean term meaning four nos. Proponents allegedly maintain four rules:

  • No dating
  • No heterosexual sexual relationships
  • No heterosexual marriage
  • No childbirth

While one-night stands are apparently prohibited it is unclear to the extant that proponents adhere to this.

Proponents of the 4B movement claim that South Korea is oppressive to women, but not so oppressive that they can't make these choices.

The Korean 4B movement inspired a similar movement in the US after the election of Donald Trump in 2024. This movement was briefly called 4N until American feminists settled on calling it 4B like it's Korean counterpart.[1]

Buzz ran an article in December 2024 about men's reaction to 4B.[2][3]

As of January 2025 media interest in 4B in the United States has waned significantly.

4B becoming widespread might actually benefit men as only woke women are likely to participate. This would result in men being more like to form a relationship with non-woke women.

External Links

See Also

This article contains information imported from the English Wikipedia. In most cases the page history will have details. If you need information on the importation and have difficulty obtaining it please contact the site administrators.

Wikipedia shows a strong woke bias. Text copied over from Wikipedia can be corrected and improved.
