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* https://socialnewsdaily.com/71061/men-go-off-sex-quicker-in-relationships/
* https://socialnewsdaily.com/71061/men-go-off-sex-quicker-in-relationships/
* https://babe.net/2017/11/09/my-boyfriend-wont-have-sex-relationship-problems-20606
* https://babe.net/2017/11/09/my-boyfriend-wont-have-sex-relationship-problems-20606
* https://www.babyboomers.com/article/study-finds-men-turn-down-sex-as-much-as-women-do/5afb2e1ae4b073fac52967b1
* https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00224499.2018.1437592?journalCode=hjsr20
* https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00224499.2018.1437592?journalCode=hjsr20
* https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2303648/Why-men-losing-sex-drive-Men-likely-refuse-sex-women--doctors-blame-recession-toxins.html
* https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2303648/Why-men-losing-sex-drive-Men-likely-refuse-sex-women--doctors-blame-recession-toxins.html
== Men turn down sex as much as women do in long term relationships ==
This study is arguing men turn down sex with their partner as often as women do. If men are more concerned about the consequences of turning down women in a relationship than the reverse then men probably engage in "service sex" more often than women do.[1] That would imply men's true desire for sex in a long term relationship is actually lower than women's, over the entire population.
[1] I suspect the idea that men are more likely than women to engage in service sex may well be true.

Revision as of 13:47, 8 November 2018

Men turn down sex as much as women do in long term relationships


This study is arguing men turn down sex with their partner as often as women do. If men are more concerned about the consequences of turning down women in a relationship than the reverse then men probably engage in "service sex" more often than women do.[1] That would imply men's true desire for sex in a long term relationship is actually lower than women's, over the entire population.

[1] I suspect the idea that men are more likely than women to engage in service sex may well be true.