Semen: love drug or health food?

From Wiki 4 Men
Revision as of 13:15, 5 February 2015 by Robert Brockway (talk | contribs)
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Semen is really surprising. In recent years evidence has emerged that semen can effect a woman's mood if taken in to her body. The evidence points to noticable benefits in women receiving semen through the vagina. Some have argued that receiving semen in other ways (eg, orally) may be beneficial also but the evidence is less compelling.

Medical researchers have found elevated levels of endorphins in a woman's blood hours after receiving semen in to her vagina[1]

The idea that unprotected sex with a man could be beneficial to women is often described as controversial and is actively resisted by feminists. the idea isn't really controversial of course. It is supported by actual evidence. Feminism, in its efforts to denigrate male sexuality, cannot tolerate the claim that sexual intercourse with a man could benefit a woman in any way.

So does this mean that people should be having more unprotected sex? No. All of the usual arguments for and against unprotected sex still apply.

