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From Wiki 4 Men
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The purpose of the Wiki4Men is to provide a repository for information, studies, and research on men and boys and the broad range of issues affecting them.

These days it seems you don't need to look far to see negativity focused at men. What is often known as casual misandry permeates western civilisation where many men and women commonly make negative statements about men without apparently regarding this as a problem or being challenged by anyone else present. This problem has steadily deteriorated and we have now reached the point that books with titles such as Are Men Necessary?[1] and The End of Men[2] can be published without significant objection from the wider community.

Negative and inaccurate portrayals of men and boys have permeated mainstream media and online knowledge repositories such as Wikipedia, where the bias is particularly evident. Wikipedia editors routinely write negative commentaries about men and Wikipedia admins protect those commentaries while censoring counter-narratives that might show less biased, more accurate information. This practice is reinforced by feminist editing gangs who congregate in regular 'edit-a-thons' with the sole purpose of increasing feminist ideology within Wikipedia articles, and to censor male-positive discourse and research on men. In a nutshell those in control of Wikipedia have succeeded in deplatforming much reliable information about men and boys.

This site encourages publication of factual information about men and women and the cultural contexts in which they meet. Wiki4Men aims to be the keeper of rationality and evidence based conclusions, including positive and negative facts about both sexes while refusing to demonise half the human race.

Wiki4Men is brought to you by Australian Men's Rights Association Inc and A Voice for Men.


We welcome and encourage contributions from supporters of men's equality and human rights. In order to do so, you will need to create an account and request edit permissions. Doing so indicates your agreement to comply with editorial policy and copyright policy.

We also welcome dissenting views and alternative interpretations on talk pages only (account required) and provided they are kept on topic (directly relevant to the associated article page) and civil. Non-compliant posts will summarily be deleted and those responsible will be blocked per policy.

Share and enjoy!

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