This article exists in response to the women are wonderful effect and the female supremacy common in the West.
Higher rates of neuroticism (Big 5).
More authoritarian
Cope less well with stress
Experience more pain
Life expectancy difference historically was much less than today.
Women tend to be less honest about their own wants and needs.
Women often do not communicate well in relationships. The claim that women are more effective communicators is largely a myth.
Lesbian couples have higher rates of IPV and divorce than heterosexual couples.
Half of sex trafficers are women.[1]
Research consistently shows that women enforce the social order, including gender roles.
Western women routinely engage in inappropriate behaviour when drunk, including touching strippers. The experiences of male staff at Hootananny is typical. Public nakedness is far more common among western women than it should be.
Women have slower reaction speeds than men.
Women tend to slightly beat out men in endurance swimming.
It's women that tend to enforce gender roles.