Elizabeth Weiss

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Elizabeth Weiss is an American anthropologist. She was a professor of anthropology at San Jose State University until her retirement in 2024. She continues to to research independently.

In 2004, Weiss became a fully tenured professor at San Jose State University.

In April 2021, Weiss gave a presentation at the Society for American Archaeology virtual annual meeting titled "Has Creationism Crept Back into Archaeology?" She claimed during the presentation that NAGPRA gives control of scientific research to the religious beliefs of contemporary Native American communities.

In February 2022, Weiss sued San Jose State officials claiming that they retaliated against her for her views and restricted her from accessing skeletal remains that she was studying. She was represented by a lawyer from the Pacific Legal Foundation.

In June 2023, Weiss had reached a settlement with San Jose State that allowed her to voluntarily retire with full benefits, effective May 29th, 2024. Due to fears that she may be fired and subsequently lose employment benefits, Weiss accepted a voluntary leave to pursue "more fruitful opportunities". She had hoped the lawsuit would pressure the university to reinstate her access to the skeletal remains she had been studying. The judge overseeing the case dismissed her efforts as the Muwekma Ohlone tribe, which the remains belonged to, would have to be involved in the lawsuit. However, due to the tribe's sovereign immunity, it cannot be sued.

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