The Thornbirds

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Revision as of 12:24, 21 May 2024 by Robert Brockway (talk | contribs)
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Written before feminism completely enveloped everything.

A nasty family matriarch who refuses to continue paying school fees for her niece.

Ralph, more interested in having a church career than marriage and sex with Meggie.

Meggie acts quite immaturely when Ralph rejects her and several other times.

Luke, more interested in work than in having sex with Meggie. Before getting pregnant Meggie noted they had only had sex a few times.

Meggie tricks Luke in to getting pregnant.

Meggie assaults Luke when she leaves him.

For decades Meggie doesn't tell Ralph that he is Dane's father. He lets him believe that Luke is Dane's father.

Meggie only reveals to Ralph that he is Dane's father after Dane dies. Then she says he never loved her enough to see that Dane was his son or to realise she would never have sex with another man after him. She sticker her nose in the air and walks off with Ralph crumpled over crying.

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