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girl. Many in society, and the MSM, refer to these differently and we
girl. Many in society, and the MSM, refer to these differently and we
call them out on it.
call them out on it.
Ultimately this is about men leading the life that they want to lead.
If a man chooses to be a soft man (rejected by the red pillers) that is fine
as long as he realised that feminists may be trying to get him to be soft.
The key is informed consent.
== Rejection of shaming language ==
== Rejection of shaming language ==

Revision as of 03:51, 27 May 2019

The Men's Rights Movement (MRM) also sometimes known as the Men's Human Rights Movement (MHRM) is a pluralistic movement of men and women who have identified certain problems facing men and boys. It is comprised of many organisations and individuals that are loosely affiliated. Despite this, participants within the MRM maintain a largely consistent position on men's rights. The movement accepts robust and frank internal discussions, which are generally conducted in public. Individuals within the MRM are sometimes known as Men's Rights Activists or Men's Rights Advocates (MRAs).

The Men's Rights Movement is widely misunderstood in the wider community and misrepresented in the mainstream media. The term men's human rights movement, established by Peter Wright and Paul Elam, is sometimes used as an alternative. Both terms are correct.

The MRM is inherently non-partisan. The left today is more readily ide ntified with feminism. The reality though is that both the left and right of the traditional political axis are quite happy to throw men under a bus.


We reject gynocentrim.

Gynocentrism refers to a dominant or exclusive focus on women in theory or practice; or to the advocacy of this. Anything can be considered gynocentric when it is concerned exclusively with a female (or feminist) point of view.

Traditionalism is often tied up with gynocentrism. Traditional societies demand that men remain stoic in the face of their own pain and that they give their lives up for the community.

Similarly the MRM reject chivalry as a gynocentric worldview.

Peterson's message is softer than ours. He relies on gynocentrism, a familiar and comforting concept to many people. Same with CHS who, like Peterson, correctly points out problems facing men and boys, but won't take the argument to its logical conclusion.

Make it clear that society increasingly criminalises male behaviour.


If a woman cheats and people ask "what did he do to her" then they are denying the agency of women.

If a woman stabs a man and people ask "what did he do to deserve it" then they are denying the agency of women.

Male Disposability

Reject any claim that men are obligated to protect women.

Men no longer have a responsibility to protect women.

Men refused to be defined in terms of their responsibilities to women

A man's life is worth just as much as a woman's life.

one of the cornerstones of the MRM is that we insist men should be entitled to live the life they choose. They should not have an obligation to protect others just because they are men.

There used to be a social contract in which men took on certain responsibilities in return for respect and status in society. That social contract has been broken. This social contract may have been problematic for both men and women but it at least it was based on reciprocity. Men must now be free to live the lives they want to live.

Rejection of women hitting men even though this is widely accepted in Western society.

Sexually assaulting a minor boy is as bad as sexually assaulting a minor girl. Many in society, and the MSM, refer to these differently and we call them out on it.

Ultimately this is about men leading the life that they want to lead. If a man chooses to be a soft man (rejected by the red pillers) that is fine as long as he realised that feminists may be trying to get him to be soft. The key is informed consent.

Rejection of shaming language

No need to use phrases like "get some

balls" as English has a

gender-neutral term "get a backbone" that means the same thing.

Rejection of mancave and similar ideas.

Distinction with Anti-Feminism

Circumcision as divisor between MRAs and some anti-feminists.


Equality of opportunity

Equality before the law

  • Equal punishment for equal offences.
  • Men are just as entitled not to be touched without their consent as women


The rights of the individual are central to the MRM.

No compromise

We will not compromise our principles.

They lie, we keep pressing forward. They shriek, we keep pressing forward. They obstruct, we keep pressing forward. On and on it goes...

Rule of Law

Presumption of innocence.


Rejection of gender shaming

Rejection of political correctness

Rejection of tone policing

Willingness to have our claims tested

  • willingness to have well behaved feminists attend our events

AMRA Objectives

When an adult women has sex with a boy it is not an 'affair'.

Women gave up their responsibilities and gained more freedoms. We're saying that men should be freed of their responsibilities too. It's time to close the deal.

reject anti-semitism BDS on continuum with feminism

Abortion: "Opinions vary on abortion among MRAs. Some support a women's right to choose, some oppose abortion and many take no position other than to say that whatever right a woman has, a man must have an equivalent right"

The media and other detractors claim many groups to be involved with "men's rights" while they do not make any such claim and we don't make the claim either.

Feminists & trads have different aims Equality of opportunity Equality before the law We owe women nothing

Identity Politics

Fundamentally reject identity politics.

One of the greatest misunderstandings about the men's rights movement and anti-feminism is that they in any way involve identity politics. Merely identifying with a group does not imply identity politics.

It's become very popular lately to reject 'labels' but the truth is that group identity is one of the most powerful tools that we as a species have. Human societies were built on group identity long before the written word. Yes, even free thinkers can identity with a group. The use of the term group identity still doesn't imply identity politics.

The key difference is that identity politics involves grouping on the basis of characteristics with which people identify. We do not do this. Every major men's rights organisation has women in leadership roles for example. This is because those women were willing and able to fill those positions. Anyone who wants to help us address the problems facing men and boys is welcome. Doesn't matter if they are male, female, intersex, whatever.

Compare to feminist groups. Many exclude men from leadership roles and some exclude men men entirely - calling them 'allies'. Some don't even want male allies. That's identity politics.

It is true that some feminist groups talk about men's issues. We differ from feminist groups in two key ways:

(1) Feminists insist on controlling the narrative. Eg, Big Red, York U IMD.

(2) Feminists often want men to have fairly traditional gender responsibilities while women have maximum freedom.