Salvatore Vasta

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Salvatore Vasta is a Federal Circuit and Family Court judge in Australia. Vasta has received negative media attention on several occasions since being appointed to the bench in 2015.

In 2018 Vasta ordered that a child of a same-sex couple be baptised as a Catholic despite neither parent requesting this and baptism not being mentioned previously during the hearing.[1][2]

In 2019 the full bench of the family court overturned the order.[3]

Appeal courts have been critical of Vasta's behaviour on the bench[4][5]

In 2021 a man known as Mr Stradford successfully sued Vasta after he was imprisoned for contempt of court during divorce proceedings. This is the first time that a judge has been successfully sued in Australia. Justice Michael Wigney of the Federal Court ruled that a gross miscarriage of justice had occurred and awarded Mr Strandford more than A$300,000.[6]

Notably Vasta was ordered to personally pay Mr Stradford A$50,000. The Federal Australian government subsequently introduced legislation to provide immunity from civil liability for judges.[7][8]

Vasta is the son of Angelo Vasta, who was removed as a judge in Australia in 1989 by act of parliament.[9]

As of August 2024 Salvatore Vasta continues to be a serving judge in Australia.

See Also
