Men's spaces

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Some members of the public remain unaware of how men's spaces have been under attack for decades.[1][2]

Men's spaces are areas or organisations which are reserved for the use of men. Sometimes non-men may be permitted to enter as guests. Since the 1960s there has been a steady decline in the availability of men's spaces in Western nations while women's spaces have flourished.

Women have been forcing their way in to men's spaces since the 1960s.[3][4] As a result of the rise of the trans movement women's spaces are now under attack. As a result of the loss of men's spaces starting in the 20th century, many men are unwilling to do anything to stop the loss of women's spaces in the 21st century.

Presented here are examples of lost men' spaces across the Western world. The list also includes spaces intended for boys which girls were permitted to enter.

In 1969 Yale College, the first college of Yale University went co-educational, meaning that both men and women could attend. The main three secret societies at Yale, Scroll and Key, Skull and Bones and Wolf's Head admitted women in 1988, 1991 and 1992, respectively.

In 1970 Girls allowed to enter the Scouts Venturing, Sea Scouting, and Explorers programs.[5]

In 1978 Female reporters allowed in to changing rooms to interview professional athletes.[6][7]

Year Country Event
1981 United Kingdom Reform Club[8][9]
1987 International Lions International admits women as members.
1989 United States Rotary admits women.[10]
1996 United Kingdom United Oxford and Cambridge Club.[11][12]
2018 United States Girls allowed to become Cub Scouts.[13]
2019 Australia Women become full members of Tattersall's Club.

Holy Locations

Various religion locations around the world continue to be restricted to men. Notable examples include Mount Athos in Greece and Okinoshima island in Japan.

See Also

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