Canned responses

From Wiki 4 Men
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MGM reduces the incidence of HIV So does FGM.


Circumcision reduces the incidents of certain diseases in women.


Should be expected to permanently modify their bodies for the benefit of others?

Male disposability


With a population of 7.2 billion (expected to top out at 10-11 billion within a few decades) we no longer need the ability to replace numbers quickly. As such female reproductive capacity no longer needs to be protected in order to ensure survival.

Men and women today can be equally disposable. Society hasn't quite caught up yet but that's the reality of a planet carrying billions of people.

I was only joking

  • I was joking
  • I was joking about the misandry


  • I'll let you in on a little secret. When the same joke is told over and over again it isn't funny any more. Get some new material.
  • The same tired old lines putting men down are repeated ad nauseum. They aren't funny anymore - if they ever were.
  • When the same joke is repeated over and over it isn't funny anymore. Get some new material.
  • If that was meant as a joke you really need to work on your delivery.