Gender dysphoria

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The simplest definition of dysphoria is: "Dysphoria or dysphoric mood is a mental state in which a person has a profound sense of unease or dissatisfaction."[1] In the context of the longer phrase 'Gender dysphoria' the medical profession assumes that gender roles, gender conventions, gender customs, gender taboos, and gender expectations are given en utero with biological sex and thus any rejection of these roles amounts to a "denial" of biology. Thus any person who is uncomfortable with "gender expectations and labels" is deemed to also deny their physical genitals, a proposition that can be fairly considered hyperbole.

By staying with the standard definition of 'dysphoria' as a profound sense of unease or dissatisfaction with any given position, it may be that acceptance of conferred gender roles such as male chivalry and upholders of gynocentric society are 'blue pill' and those who experience dysphoria and reject such conferred gender identity in favor of Really, they need to redefine gender dysphoria as the belief that one's humanity, in all its wholeness, is not the same as a conferred social rol


  1. What Is Dysphoria? -